Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Dad's Christmas Present

Steve had Dad's name for Christmas this year (again), and we had a tough time trying to figure out what to get him. Steve came up with the idea to give him Jazz tickets. So we bought two for us and two for Mom & Dad, and we met up with them in Salt Lake City. We did some shopping, ate at Rodizio's Brasilian Grill (which I highly recommend if you LOVE meat), and walked about Temple Square to see the lights. We rode the tracks to get from place to place, and we stayed at a cute hotel called Little America.

At the Jazz game!

The next morning we woke up to SNOW! Can you imagine trying to drive downtown SLC with all this white stuff!?!
Thanks Mom and Dad for coming and spending time with us. We had a blast!

Monday, December 14, 2009

O Christmas Tree

Our first Christmas tree is so cute!!! I love it! It took us about 2 hours to find "the tree", and after looking at a good half a dozen, we concluded that one of the first trees we saw would do fine. Much to our dismay, (especially when Steve was putting it in the tree stand) we realized we should not have chosen a double stumped tree. But, with many "four-lettered words" j/k, Steve got our tree up. We trimmed the tree and it looks absolutely festive! We are enjoying the Christmas decor all around the front room, especially when it gets dark, and the lights are twinkling.

Have you ever seen "Christmas Vacation?"

Our first Christmas!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Thanksgiving 2009

This year we went up to Malta to celebrate Thanksgiving and my mom's 50th birthday. There were so many pictures, I put them on an album on Facebook. We took family pictures in Rigby, ate dinner with grandparents, target shooting, traditional Thanksgiving dinner, soccer games, arm wrestling championships, Christmas party with the Johnson side, and just enjoying ourselves.