Thursday, August 12, 2010

"The good Lord gave us mountains so we can learn how to climb!"

August 8th, Steve and I hiked up Mt. Wheeler. This mountain is right by where we live. I get to see it everyday, and now, I get to see it and say, "I climbed that!"

Distance: 8 miles all around hike
Height: Starts at 10,000 ft. Top is 13,000 ft.
1st mile: nice gentle trail (see pic below)
The next 3 miles aren't so nice.
The home stretch to the top is really a challenge. We are higher in elevation, so it is harder to breathe. We already hiked a lot, so our muscles are worn out. The trail is ALL rocks and VERY STEEP!

We made it to the top!!! "Hey, I can see my house from here!"
There was a father and his two sons at the top when we got there. Steve asked where they were from. Michigan. They asked Steve the same question. "See that house down there... that's where we are from."

It was an amazing hike. I felt like I conquered the world! Or the mountain. Steve and I enjoyed our time together. It was nice just having us two. I love spending time with Steve!

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