Friday, November 5, 2010

Birthday Surprises!

I turned 21 last Thursday. No, I didn't go gambling or drinking, but Steve and I teased about going to a bar and getting virgin margaritas.

Jen surprised me with a birthday dinner the night before! As most of you know, I am a little carnivore. She made Cafe Rio Pork Salad. The pork was DIVINE! We also had chocolate dessert with trick candles. Super yummy! Later, we played games and were entertained by Hyrum and Riley. Thanks Jen, for the delish food, and thank you Israelsen's, for a kickin' party.

On my birthday, I did the usual sleep-in, run a little bit, and ho-hum around on the computer. Steve kept reminding me that a person can only have ONE birthday dinner, and I already had one. After lunch, I helped Steve on the ranch. During that time, Steve decided that MAYBE it was alright if we ate out, especially if we ate at Jailhouse. So we got home, cleaned up (I wore my new birthday outfit), and headed to town. I chose to eat at Jailhouse, much to Steve's enjoyment. We don't eat there often because of the price. But the steaks are the kind that just melt in your mouth. So if you are ever in Ely and you have money to spend, eat at Jailhouse. Anyways, I wanted to take a picture for the blog, but I chickened out asking the waiter to take one for us. So when we got home, Steve took a picture of my birthday outfit for me. Okay, shoes and sweater are the only new things, but Janeen wanted a picture of the sweater.

The heels from heck. They are so adorable, but one should never stand in them too long.

The day after my birthday, I received a package from LaDawna. Much to my delight, it was a Nativity set by Willow Tree! I love Nativity sets. I will blog about that closer to Christmas. Thanks LaDawna!
My parents sent me the perfect card and some money for my birthday. I love getting mail other than bills, and the card fit my personality. Thanks Mummsie and Dad!
I received phone calls, facebook messages, and even had visiting teachers. Thank you all for a wonderful birthday!


  1. A-dorable sweater and I'm going to steal your shoes (:

  2. Happy Birthday to you. I am glad that you had such a great time and that you blogged about it so I could see. loves to you both!

  3. I'm glad everyone took care of you for your birthday! You look so cute all dressed up in your cute sweater and new shoes. Can't wait to see you this next weekend.

  4. Love the sweater. And I didn't know you got the willow tree nativity...TWIN-NERS!
