Monday, December 13, 2010

Christmas Tree #2

The Sunday after Thanksgiving, Steve and I tagged along with Matt and his family to get a Christmas tree. We found a spot where there were some prospects, so we got out of the truck and looked around. It started to get dark, and we ended up choosing a tree that we first liked. So the men shoveled around it and cut it down, and the only light was from a tiny flashlight that was running out of batteries. After we got Matt's, we headed home to decorate.

Steve and I were pleased with ourselves when it was finally put up and decorated. We were reading in the other room when we heard a crash, ok not really a crash, but a timber. To our dismay, all of my heavy ornaments tipped the tree over. Steve put more support in the tree stand, and we strung the lights and dressed the tree all over again. But now it is holding strong and looks festive.

1 comment:

  1. Christmas Tree #2? Really? You couldn't do like Timber Me Christmas? Or Christmas Tree Revolution?
