Tuesday, December 7, 2010

I am thankful for...

yummy food at the Darrington's,
spending time with family,
board games,
lounging around and watching football,

physical activity after lounging around,

finding Christmas trees,
warm coats and hats,
peek-a-boo with Maddie,
in-laws that love me,

and Steve!

I hope your thanksgiving was full of love, family, friends and many blessings to count!


  1. I'm so glad that you know that you are loved by us! I'm thankful for you and Steve, thankful that we all play well together. Hope your Christmas is full of love, joy and happiness. We will miss you guys. Play hard!!!

  2. I love all of your fun photos. I failed to take adequate photos all weekend.

  3. So what was your physical activity after lounging.......Decca, you know I love you! And I like Steve's grouchy face in your couple photo!
