Monday, January 11, 2010

Brian Head

On Christmas Eve, the Pickering siblings and their significant others snowboarded at Brian Head. Latara is working at the resort as an instructor, so we weren't sure if she would have a class or not. Luckily, she got to play with us. There were parts in the day where we splitted up into groups, but we got to snowboard together for a bit. Our noses were red and runny, our fingers and butts were cold, but we all had so much fun!!!

It was Jeremy's first time snowboarding. He caught on quick, and we were all impressed!

Kenni coming down the hill with her cute new headband!

The soon-to-be-married couple, Erica and Nick

Jenny and Jeremy

L-R: Kenni, Jenny, Matt, Latara, and Jeremy


  1. Cool! I never saw the pictures. They turned out great.

  2. Looks like a great day on the hill! Cute pictures Jessica. I wish I could have seen you kids board! Oh well some one has to stay home with the grandkids! It's a hard job, but someone has to do it! Thanks again for everything at Christmas it really was one of the best weeks of my whole life.
